I've needed a lot of help in my life, for many different reasons. I've dealt with many doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and lastly workers, but I have never really written about my early schooling experience with EAs. It takes someone really special to be an EA, because sometimes they're like a mom, teacher, and best friend all in one. For as long as I can remember, I was even more happy to receive praise from my EA, rather than a teacher, because they knew me more intricately than my Teachers did. They knew when I was having a bad day, when I was having a good day, and they cared
Tasks like using my walker when I was younger were never as daunting as they could've been, because I knew that if I performed well, I would be rewarded with a Five Alive at the end. They were the kind of people that would be the first to the side of the hospital bed, when they heard I was sick. When I didn't have my homework finished, they knew that it was something deeper than my own laziness. They knew the person I crushed on, before I ever told them. I was happy in day to miss 20 minutes of class go to the bathroom, because I knew that in that bathroom I was learning more than a teacher could ever teach. The lessons were never the same; ranging from singing, dancing and even teacher impersonations. They knew things that even my parents didn't; and the first and only time I ever got significantly in trouble in grade school, was witnessed by one of my favorites… I wouldn't have it any other way.
I've heard many reasons as to why they should not be a part of the school system. For example, there is the argument that they interrupt with the way the teacher runs the classroom. This is the biggest load of crap that I've ever heard; if anything they made my time in the classroom easier, because my earliest days of school were written off by teachers as if I was the Ritalin child. The second argument I've heard is that the teacher should be able to manage their own dwelling,which includes all the existing students. While the majority of my teachers were concerned and somewhat involved in regards to my success, I do not think that I could do succeeded half as well as I did without the assistance of EAs. Since leaving the public school system, I have had teachers revisit me in the present, and tell me how much having me in their classroom has taught them in regards to being the best they can be. I am flattered by the sentiment, however I realized that I never really properly thanked the people that have ultimately played a very significant role in my success.
So now I do thank you; for the laughter, the support, the scoldings, and being there through the tears.Thank you for being yourselves, and I hope you continue to help people the way you have me.