Saturday, 14 September 2013

Dear 15 Year Old Me

Remember when you craved a slice of popularity? Not worth it. Remember when you constantly wondered who was really nice, and who was just faking it to your face? That question isn't as frequent, because you found true friends. Remember when you thought something was wrong with you because you were nothing like your mother? It's a good thing you are uniquely yourself. Remember when you despised your sister, and thought your little brother was annoying as hell? Age and maturity has changed that. Remember when you were sad that dad had turned from cool to a strict ass? The same strict ass put you through 5 years of school. Remember when you felt guilty for asking your stepmom for help or anything else because you weren't hers by blood? You've learned that family isn't defined by blood, and the advice she's given is worth taking. Remember when mom called your musical taste "jump off a bridge music"? You haven't jumped, and the music got you through your toughest times. Remember how you always liked the "mysterious" guys? That lasted until grade 12, and then altered slightly to include university educated in front of it. You faced much heartbreak, but you've gotten better at turning infatuation  into solid friendships. You used to be so afraid of humiliation in front of  a guy, but you've  got this friend Trevor, who seems to be around at your most awkward times, you've now stopped caring. Remember when your main concern was helping others? You still do, but now are learning to help yourself too… Remember when you admired your older cousins simply because age made them appear wiser? Now you've given them reason to admire you. Remember when you were content at just going to college? You're in 4th year university. Remember everyone who said you can't do it at any point in your life? You can, you did, you will…

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