Friday, 2 December 2011

The Games Room

Ok so I got let out log class ubber early today… so I'm passing time in the Games room. When you enter the games room, you can sense the overpowering levels of testosterone immediately! Guys everywhere playing ping pong and football like it's the gold metal game in the Olympics! After the winner is determined comes the rematch, and the angry grunts and 1000 curses when the rematch outcome still produces the same results. The winner proceeds to brag about their technique… enter at your own risk!


Sunday, 27 November 2011

Oblivious to Accessibility

So i haven't written in awhile… but today there's lots to say! I went to the King's Ball with my friends on November 18th. It was a good time, except that everybody left early to go to the after party at Frog. Unfortunately it was not accessible to me, so I had no choice but to go home early. You might be thinking that I could have chosen another bar, but in all honesty I would much prefer a good time in the company of good friends and colleagues!

It doesn't end there either I wanted to go to UWO's 12 bars of Xmas but a good portion of the bars are not wheelchair friendly. There was a nice girl organizing the event who called all the bars to see which ones I could get into. A lot of the bars said they had no problem carrying me up the stairs or that they had a back way in. However, what most people don't understand is that I may have a way in but, that is not the only aspect of wheelchair accessibility that hinders me! I have to have space to move around or at least not feel like a big and bulky eye sore crammed into the corner of a room.

I realize that the 12 bars of Christmas is not organized by the student council, so I have no problem make my own festivities. However when it comes to events like the King's Ball it should go without saying that a school that takes pride in community involvement should make sure that none of their students are excluded from their own planned activities.


Saturday, 12 November 2011


Today was an interesting day. I showed my sister how to play with Crazy Bones. I used to love playing with them as a kid, and I was known as the champion among the kids on the playground! When I played today, I still had the spark! I also payed the Sims 3 with my family on xbox. It reminded me of the countless hours me and my sister Kourtney played the original, and the countless dollars spent on expansion packs! Finally, I started to read my childhood favourite The Secret Garden for school!

All of these things made me miss my childhood! The feeling of being a "champion" at a game no matter how simple it was. The addictiveness of Sims that still plagues me today. Being reed The Secret Garden by my Nan (Great Grandma in her elderly English accent. I have been missing a lot of things since university, and I'm glad there are still some familiar comforts left!


Friday, 11 November 2011

Freedom is a Wonderful Thing…

Today I give thanks to the many soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. I can only imagine what it would be like if we had lost, and am very glad it is not reality…

Today I think of two people from the past and present. The first I barely knew, was my Great Grandpa Gord. He was a tank driver in WWII. I wish that I had been old enough to extract details and stories from him, so I could do him more justice as I mention him here. I also think of my cousin David Steen, who I mentioned in my last post. He is like the big brother I never had, and though he's only in training, it worries me where he'll end up in the future. Like I said in the previous post, I support him no matter what!

When it comes to Remembrance Day, there is one thing I have noticed. Women heroes are under-represented! You rarely hear stories about the women pilots, nurses, and as a whole the mothers who leave their children in the hopes of attaining a better future. Freedom is a wonderful is a wonderful thing and thanks should be given equally to both the men and women who fought, and continue to fight for our freedom!

Thank You! <3


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Movember Motivation!

I love the month of November!  I love that we get remember the soldiers  from past and present, who have fought tirelessly for peace; and I am always thankful for my own soldier. My cousin David Steen, is currently in training with the Canadian Armed Forces. There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't miss him and wish he was home. However, I know his heart is in the right place and I support him.

Another enjoyable part of the month is “Movember”. I think it's great to see all the mustaches, and to see so many men come together to support a cause.  However, this year I discovered that it is not just men who can participate.  My friend Ewelina Michalak is attempting to raise $5,000 for prostate cancer, to show that women care too.  But that's not all; when she reaches her goal of $5,000, she will get a tattoo of a mustache on her finger.  To me, this is a really inspiring thing!  Cancer is a horrid disease in every way, shape and form it comes.  Everybody is affected by it somehow, and it is refreshing to see Ewelina taking part in something that I previously thought was only for men.  I wish her the best of luck, and encourage people reading this to make a donation at

And lastly, I encourage you all to participate in a cause that is close to your hearts, because everyone can make a difference as long as they try.


Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Tis the Season to Go Crazy...

Today is November 9, and already I've been asked a thousand times what I want for Christmas. I understand that it is fast approaching, but in the life of a student, there is almost zero opportunity to even think about Christmas.The month leading up to Christmas, for me at least, has been hell. With a midterm here, an essay there, and my first philosophy disputation ever, the holidays seem lightyears away. To be honest, the only thought I've given to Christmas so far is what to get others and my budget to do so.

I think gift cards are the best gift ever! They are so convenient because you can put on them the amount you can afford to spend on the recipient! You don't have to worry about them not liking the gift you buy either! Some think that this causes the gift to lose it's sentimental value, but even just to be thought of as deserving a giftcard makes me all warm and fuzzy! (special thanks to Aunt Meg for the never-failing Starbucks and Chapters cards)

If you don't want to spend a boatload of money, and go over-budget, (cause let's face it, today's society can't stick to one) the best way to a students heart is HOME COOKED MEALS! Cook up the favourites in meal-sized containers our hearts are yours forever; with no cost to you but the food in your kitchen!

This Christmas, don't go crazy on us, cause I can tell you right now I'm already halfway there. Put the money you can afford to give on a card, we appreciate whatever you can offer. Make us meals for when we tire of Pizza Pockets and KD, and finally; if it can be helped, stop asking what we want for Christmas! Wish us luck, because school is the island we are stranded on, and Christmas and family time, the rescue crew thousands of miles away…


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Starbucks Snob!

I remember when I was first introduced to Starbucks. It was my first year of college, and my highschool English teacher had come to visit me and check out my living quarters. It was insisted upon that I be treated to Starbucks, and my first Pumpkin Spice Latte ever! I remember thinking: isn't that what snobby university kids drink?

Well now, that was ages ago; and since then I've had hundreds of Starbucks products… so I guess according to my old self, I would appear to be quite the "snob". However, since coming to university, I've come to realize that students don't consume things based on where they go and status, but rather due to the innate instinct of student survival. I can honestly say that Starbucks has been my life saver, and is a necessity for not succumbing to late night classes… and if that makes me a "Starbucks Snob" then so be it!
