Thursday, 10 November 2011

Movember Motivation!

I love the month of November!  I love that we get remember the soldiers  from past and present, who have fought tirelessly for peace; and I am always thankful for my own soldier. My cousin David Steen, is currently in training with the Canadian Armed Forces. There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't miss him and wish he was home. However, I know his heart is in the right place and I support him.

Another enjoyable part of the month is “Movember”. I think it's great to see all the mustaches, and to see so many men come together to support a cause.  However, this year I discovered that it is not just men who can participate.  My friend Ewelina Michalak is attempting to raise $5,000 for prostate cancer, to show that women care too.  But that's not all; when she reaches her goal of $5,000, she will get a tattoo of a mustache on her finger.  To me, this is a really inspiring thing!  Cancer is a horrid disease in every way, shape and form it comes.  Everybody is affected by it somehow, and it is refreshing to see Ewelina taking part in something that I previously thought was only for men.  I wish her the best of luck, and encourage people reading this to make a donation at

And lastly, I encourage you all to participate in a cause that is close to your hearts, because everyone can make a difference as long as they try.


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