Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Tis the Season to Go Crazy...

Today is November 9, and already I've been asked a thousand times what I want for Christmas. I understand that it is fast approaching, but in the life of a student, there is almost zero opportunity to even think about Christmas.The month leading up to Christmas, for me at least, has been hell. With a midterm here, an essay there, and my first philosophy disputation ever, the holidays seem lightyears away. To be honest, the only thought I've given to Christmas so far is what to get others and my budget to do so.

I think gift cards are the best gift ever! They are so convenient because you can put on them the amount you can afford to spend on the recipient! You don't have to worry about them not liking the gift you buy either! Some think that this causes the gift to lose it's sentimental value, but even just to be thought of as deserving a giftcard makes me all warm and fuzzy! (special thanks to Aunt Meg for the never-failing Starbucks and Chapters cards)

If you don't want to spend a boatload of money, and go over-budget, (cause let's face it, today's society can't stick to one) the best way to a students heart is HOME COOKED MEALS! Cook up the favourites in meal-sized containers our hearts are yours forever; with no cost to you but the food in your kitchen!

This Christmas, don't go crazy on us, cause I can tell you right now I'm already halfway there. Put the money you can afford to give on a card, we appreciate whatever you can offer. Make us meals for when we tire of Pizza Pockets and KD, and finally; if it can be helped, stop asking what we want for Christmas! Wish us luck, because school is the island we are stranded on, and Christmas and family time, the rescue crew thousands of miles away…


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