Monday, 7 April 2014

The Benefit of Woman's Studies

Last year, I had a terrible experience in a women's studies course that I took, because the teacher was convinced that everything was a man's fault. Though we continue to, and have lived in a patriarchal society for a long time, it is no longer as simple as that.  This year the experience was made up for a great deal, when I took The History of Sexuality, taught by Monda Halpern. Though we did discuss women's oppression throughout history, we discussed a lot more as well. To put all that was discussed in one blog, would take me too long, but what I found most inspiring about the course was that no matter what issue we touched upon, there was always a suggestion as to how we can improve  upon these issues in the future, and a discussion as to how all of these issues were affecting present-day. I was made aware of many different situations such as the struggles of the transgender community, and the controversial topic of FGM. The class taught me how to analyze the past and put it towards a better future. I am no longer afraid to analyze myself, to figure out the things I want and need to become a successful and empowered woman. Although he touched upon many issues in the course, there are still some issues I found to do with my own life, and I look forward to the adventure of taking what I have learned and putting it to use on my own to help myself reach a better understanding of who I am. I have heard in the past that people fear taking women's studies courses, because they are afraid the teacher will be a sort of Femi-Nazi, but if there is anything that I learned in this course, it is that education is one of the strongest combatants against ignorance.


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