Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Little Things

In spite of the fact that I'm really enjoying my summer course, six weeks of grilling work wears you down after a while… I had it all planned out, how I was going to stick to a strict study plan this morning… until I looked outside. I decided to get out and do something, and resume this study plan when I got back. So I headed to the mall, where I ran into my friend Frank. I really don't know how to describe Frank to other people, except to take the happiest and most spirited person you know, and times them by 10,000. A hug, some selfies, and the, promise of a Starbucks date in the near future, was all it took to make my day. 

I also had to make my regular mall stop to Starbucks, which in the scheme of things, isn't as cool as Frank, and the concept of human contact. However, it was nice to sit outside on the patio, and feel the sun and the wind on my skin; sipping my favorite latte, while apparently helping Oprah Winfrey fund her all-girls school in Africa. Although education is important, I feel like it's important to find a balance. Whether you're pushing yourself through four years of university, or just finishing your last credit in a condensed six weeks, you deserve a break at some point, to stop and appreciate the little things…


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

An Alternate Reaction

Sometimes, I get really frustrated, because people that are well aware of the lifestyle I have to live insist on putting their two cents in about something that they know I cannot control… The latest concern was that I do not drink enough. It was particularly frustrating to hear, because the person who made the statement should know that not only am I  busy with school, but I only get help at certain times of the day. Sometimes when I know I have a large gap between, I will limit my liquid intake in order to be able to wait comfortably. 

My original reaction to this issue, was to express my wish for people to imagine walking in my shoes. However, upon cooling down, I realize how many people help to outweigh this one situation. I have many friends and family members who are willing to help make sure that I have a good night out when my stresses are building up. They make sure I have a cab home, and a safe way into bed. Those same people, often know my stresses before I do myself, and are there when the weight gets too heavy, to hold my hand or give me a hug when I need it. They may not fully understand the things I have to deal with or handle on a day-to-day basis, but they should make it easier. So instead of getting angry at the one person that doesn't understand, I thank all the ones that put in a valiant effort.


Friday, 23 May 2014

In This Week's Issue of Trivial News…

I've had some really rewarding conversation this week, on varying subjects. On Tuesday, I met up with my friend Bilal and I shared with him my idea of writing a guidebook for the newly disabled; not necessarily telling them how to live their lives, but providing prospectives for the different situations that may arise. It was nice to get some positive feedback, and hear that my idea is not a crazy one. I have an overall love for raising awareness, that I hope to use and perfect in career.

Just a day later I was forced to think outside the box, in a simple conversation with my friend Nicole. We were talking about how our friend James (who was also with us) had come across a man on the street, who was resourceful enough my to feign distress to attract people's attention and ask for change.  I chimed in that I would not be comfortable giving somebody change, and if I had to give them anything, I would prefer to buy them lunch. My reasoning behind this was that I would not feel comfortable knowing that I could  be potentially responsible for someone doing harm to themselves by allowing them to have the money for drugs or another harmful substance.  The conversation pretty much ended, with the idea that there are different ways to look at such a situation. The ending was much more eloquent, but I cannot do it such justice in this blog. 
It may seem like I'm  rambling on, but at the tail end of this week, I have seen so much news on the Kardashian wedding approaching, and what Tupac's last words were to a cop on the scene of his 1996 murder. After the two very rewarding and enlightening conversations I had this week, this is a very disheartening fact. It seems that society is so ready to swallow trivial information, and remains in denial about many serious issues that deserve society's full attention.


Monday, 19 May 2014

Just Roll with it!

I haven't been keeping up with this blog as much as I would like to. The truth is, the first week of summer threw me a sort of curveball. Around the time everybody was getting the grades back, and announcing that they would successfully graduate from Western in June, or even just basically a very successful year, I found out that I failed a course. At first, I was really fearful and ashamed, because I thought my parents were really excited about the fact that I was supposed to be graduating in June. I myself did not panic about the failure, because I knew that in regards to this year I bit off way more than I could chew, and I knew what I had to do to amend the situation.  It turned out that I had nothing to be worried about, because in reality it was only one course, and the disappointment I thought my parents would feel was just something I had imagined. It worked out for the better, because due to the nature of their work, my parents would have had a hard time getting time off for the June graduation anyway.

The first week of summer for me, highlighted that sometimes although there are setbacks, the only thing left to do is  "roll with it". The thing  I was looking forward to most this summer, was the fact that for the first time in three years I would not have to take a summer course, and evidently that has changed. However, I know it's for the better, because I am truly enjoying the course, and doing better than I would be if I was juggling it as well as three other courses. The summer that I feared was going down the drain just as soon as it started, has truly been a liberating one. Although I have class, I have also been able to arrange baking days, lunch dates, drinks, and even getting my nose pieced with some good friends! I find that there is too much of an emphasis on what other people think, when it comes to our lives… So from now on, I'm just going to roll with it,
