Monday 10 March 2014

Top 10 Pet Peeves of Having Workes

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate every bit of  I can get, but sometimes these things need to be written down…

1. When I get a cheery morning person at 6 AM
I know I have to get up, but let me do it at my own pace… I don't need a Mary Poppins sing-along at 6 AM

2. The never ending game of 20 questions
I realize you need to ask me what I want, but try putting general conversation in between your questions…

3. When they come in chewing gum like obnoxious cows 
Everybody needs to freshen their breath, but when it's the only thing I hear and I can barely hear your voice, then there is a problem

4 When 10 minutes of short booking time is taken up by the sign-in/out process.
I know you'd like to get paid for mileage, but I also have to Pee

5 When they want to talk… And I don't
What did you do today? Work. How was school today? Fine. What about that goldfish that died when you were eight?…

6 When they relate you to another disabled person they know
Your legs shake, just like my crippled uncle Bob's! That's great, but I'm not your crippled uncle Bob…

7. When they attempt to give me life advice, at random
My cat died yesterday,  and if it taught me anything… hug your absent mother, and treat that guy who broke your heart to lunch!

8. When they talk about that job/life they wish they had
I want to win the lottery too, and I'm sorry that wiping asses is not what you hoped, but you won't escape it in nursing either…

9. When they leave things I need in able-bodied places
That's okay I didn't really need the salt anyway

10. When they leave things lying around
Just go ahead and run over your shoes that I left in the middle of the hallway, It doesn't matter if you could get potentially stuck in manual

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